11,000 Hot Stock Tractor Rules
- 466 cubic inch limit. Any motor over 466 cubic inches must have factory stroke and bore for that brand of tractor, up to a maximum of 585 cubic inches.
- The tractor is limited to a single turbo charger you can run a 3LM up to the S300 2.36 inlet. The S300 is limited to a 90 housing with part #177272 or 100 housing with part #177209. Must be out of the box with no modifications. The 360 degree thrust can be installed.
- Injection pump can be up to a (P7100) 13 mm barrel and plunger pump max.
- Max RPMS – 2950
- Must have working tack cable with 1 magnet (female connection from tractor) to hook to sled.
- No spiking of RPM’s allowed.
- Tractor must have at minimum a factory ROPS roll bar and seat belt. If running with anything other than a three bar roll cage, tractor MUST have fenders able to support the weight of the driver. Three bar roll cage and five point harness is recommended.
- Top cut tires no alterations of any kind to the face of the lug, max tire size 20.8x38.
- Water injection will be allowed. No alcohol, propane or nitrous injection allowed.
- Only OEM inter coolers can be used but must run through the motor.
- All tractors will be equipped with a clutch blanket or minimum 5 inch wide by ½ inch thick steel band around bell housing.
- Front axle skid plate and engine side shields are recommended, but are not required. Must have a factory OEM wide front end.
- Tube frames are permitted.
- Tie bars are mandatory.
- 11,000 hot stock tractors will be allowed to hook in the 9500 Pro-Field class under one of the following option
- Weigh 9500 lbs. and run under the 9500 Pro-Field rules if, and only if they meet ALL the rules and safety requirements of the 9500 Pro-Field class. (This includes roll cages, steel flywheels, side shields, etc.)
- Weigh 11,000 lbs. and run under the 11,000 Hot Stock rules.
- Turbos must be checked and sealed. One hook grace period allowed. If use 1 hook grace period prize money check will be held until turbo has been checked and sealed.
- The board has the right to check turbo seals at anytime throughout the year.